Thursday, May 15, 2014

Fun FacTs

Assalamualaikum and Hye!!!

After few weeks M.I.A from writing this blog due from assignments and reports, now I'm back!!!
With some of the workload have been lift off, now it's time to relax a bit with some fun facts that you might or might not know.

#Fact1 : If you type 'Tilt' on Google, it will make the search
results page tilt slightly to the right.

p.s: HAhAHAH 

#Fact2 : Average human attention only about 10minutes, after that we tend to

p.s: Absolute correct!!

#Fact3 : Antarctica is the only land on earth not owned by
any country.

p.s: Wah really??

#Fact4 : IKEA stores are designed like mazes in order to
make the customes into buying more things while finding exit.

p.s: Genius!!! Traping people to buy more

#Fact5 : Yawns are more contagious among people with closer

p.s: Never thought of that!!

Well, even though I already have experiences most of the facts. However I cannot denied that all of it are facts!!!
Till the next writing Ciou!!!

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