Friday, March 14, 2014

Mosquito Extinguisher

Assalamualaikum and Hye!!!

Have you notice that lately the mosquito suddenly become so many.  Nevertheless the dengue cases also rise along with it. When the night comes, begin all the fogging in the house, around the house, outside the house also. This is due to number of mosquito’s increases during that time. Then the next morning, you will see a lot of red dot around your body if the fogging not working. Sometimes there's so many that you can actually connect all the dots become a whole picture.

Heavy altelaries such as Ridsect, Electronic mosquito extinguisher or the traditional ring smoke all not so effective beside expensive. Then why don't we try alternative tools which cheaper and more environmentally friendly such as:-

Lime with Clove Flower

1-3 lime (depend)
Lots of Clover flower (depend) 
1. Cut the lime into half
2. Put the Clover Flower into the lime
3. Done! 

Remember!! this is only an alternative besides the main tools. You are free to try it, who knows maybe it will work better than the main tools.

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